Part 0 - Selectista Mode

The basics

Let’s start by using the CLI to create a new application:

anpylar-application --selectista --tutorial top0


--tutorial provides predefined styles to the app and the argument --title "Tour of Pyroes" is implicitly added

To get an an empty styles.css file and set the title manually:

anpylar-application --selectista --title "Tour of Pyroes" top0


Notice the option --selectista to specify a specific behavior when generating the skeleton code.

A directory named top0 will be created and populated. top0 stands obviously for: Tour of Pyroes - Part 0


If a directory/file named top0 already exists, the CLI won’t do anything

The newly created top0 directory will contain the following files and sub-directories:

├── app
│   ├──
│   ├── app_component.css
│   ├── app_component.html
│   ├──
│   └──
├── anpylar.js
├── index.html
├── package.json
└── styles.css

Which will be already functional. With the addition of the --title "Tour of Pyroes" switch a title will be added to the main component. More on this later.

Let’s get our hands dirty by serving the application:

anpylar-serve top0

which will output:

Sun Dec  3 08:51:47 2027 Server Starts -

Because no port has been specified the default port 2222. The full URL to access the sample is displayed, which can be pasted in the browser.


You can also issue a:

anpylar serve --browser top0

And AnPyLar will do everything in its power to open the browser for you

The server takes care already of delivering the index.html file and the result


Let’s look at the code and how we can modify the title of our application. The contains the following code


Have a look at them before carrying on.


The main purpose in the selectista mode for the render(self, node) method is not to directly create DOM elements, but rather to select them and manipulate them. Of course nothing prevents the end user from creating new elements.


This is just like the Format Mini Language Specification. It’s not actually like, it’s the same. The subustitution is done with the _fmt method of the supercharged DOM element with:

def render(self, node):'h1')._fmt(title=self.title)

AnPyLar has chosen to shorten the name from format to _fmt, to make clear this is not the standard Python method (it’s different), but will perform the same actions.

Prefixing the method with _ has been chosen to make also clear that this is not a standard method of the DOM element, but rather an extension

If we wanted a different title, it is obvious that we simply have to modify the attribute title in AppComponent with the desired value as in:

title = 'My Tour of Pyroes'

The project is live and therefore transpilation takes place by simple reloading the page in browser. And the result:


Some explaining

The loading

A simple look at AppComponent and modifying title doesn’t tell us much, so let’s try to explain what’s happening by first looking into index.html

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
  <script src="anpylar.js"></script>

  <title>AnPyLar Tour of Pyroes</title>

As with many other html documents, this one sets the title, some meta values for the browser, loads the stylesheet, it then loads the needed a script anpylar.js which sets the AnPyLar machinery in place and will start it.

The execution

If no Python snippets or links to them are specified, AnPyLar will do the following for you

import app


This can of course be overridden by the end user by providing specific python scripts which will kickstart the application. But this matches the code auto-generated by the anpylar cli.

We have seen above that things are triggered because an instance of AppModule is being triggered itself, so let’s look into it. One can obviously find AppModule inside the :file:app/ (consistent naming conventions … do actually help)

from anpylar import Module

from .app_component import AppComponent

class AppModule(Module):

    components = AppComponent

    bindings = {}

    services = {}

    routes = {}

    def __init__(self):

Fairly simple, so let’s concentrate on components = [AppComponent].

  • This is telling AppModule that it should bootstrap AppComponent during initialization.


    components is plural because it could also be a list/tuple with several items to be bootstrapped during initialization

The rest of items will be needed with more complex setups, but are auto-generated by the cli.

We can also have a look into which is the standard entry point in Python packages.

from app import AppModule

It is simply making AppModule available for the world and specifically in this case, this is being used in index.html to kick-start the entire system.

Coming back to AppComponent

Our component has no html code or specific styling built-in, but the project layout shows three files that seem to be related:

├── app
.   ...
│   ├── app_component.css
│   ├── app_component.html
│   ├──
.   ...

And indeed, they are.

  • Inside we have defined AppComponent. It could have had any name, but as pointed out above: consistent naming conventions do help!

  • And with the default configuration of our component, the following will happen behind the scenes:

    • A base filename app_component is derived from the class name AppComponent.

      The rules are easy: place _ (underscore) signs at the boundary between lower and upper-case letters and then lowercase the result

  • When the component is being loaded:

    • app_component.css will be loaded and the resulting styles used inside the component (you can actually find it under the <head> tag, following html standards)

    • app_component.html will be loaded and prepared as a set of DOM nodes. This result will be passed to the render(node) method, for the end user to be able to manipulate the nodes.

In our top0 tutorial, there are no specific styles for the component and app_component.css is empty.

Although the example is rather short it already shows several of the powers of a Component when developing with AnPyLar.

Some notes

If you have been working with some other platforms, including angular, you may have noticed a couple of things:


There is no selector being defined in AppComponent

Actually, there is and you as end user can define it as in

class AppComponent(Component):
    selector = 'my-selector'

AnPyLar tries to make your life easier by auto-generating the selector if you provide none. See the resulting DOM elements


In this case the auto-generated selector is clearly named: app-component-2. Easy naming. If you wonder why the suffix -2, this is simply to avoid another AppComponent (which could exist in another .py file) overwrote our selector, because it will get assigned another -x


There is no indication that the html of the component is in a file named app_component.html (and the same with styles and app_component.css)

Actually, there is and you can change it. Subclasses of Component inherit two attributes (see the reference documentation) which control this. They look like this:

class Component:
    htmlpath = True
    stylepath = True

By being set to True the default behavior is to look for the aforementioned files for a component named AppComponent, but you can change that by doing this

class Component:
    htmlpath = 'my_app_component.htmlx'
    stylepath = 'mystyles/my_app_component.css'

And those will be the filenames to be fetched. Note how paths and own extensions can be specified. AnPyLar will make no effort to check the validity of those.