Part 4 - Service Providers

Listing Pyroes and editing them is fine and good, but at the moment the application is completely isolated from the world: the Pyroes are defined within the application itself.

Being all this about web development, and thus: Networking, it would be good if we could actually fetch the Pyroes from a server.

Although that would be ideal, we’ll start by creating a fake service which will give us the Pyroes, just like if we had connected to the network. This will serve as another cornerstone before carrying on.

Copy the top3 folder to top4 and enter it. For example, with:

cp -r top3 top4
cd top4


Under Windows and unless you have a proper shell installed (Cygwin, MSYS, GitBash, …) you are probably better off using the Windows Explorer to make a copy of the directory)

Adding a PyroService

A service in AnPyLar has no specific requirements: the attributes and API (methods) are for the end user to define.


A Service base class might be implemented in the future giving services certain default properties, like parent-child relationships, but this is not foreseen at the moment.

Let’s place a PyroService simply inside a module (remember that we like consistent naming conventions)

The project layout now

├── app
│   ├── pyro_detail
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── pyro_detail_component.css
│   │   ├── pyro_detail_component.html
│   │   └──
│   ├── pyroes
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── pyroes_component.css
│   │   ├── pyroes_component.html
│   │   └──
│   ├──
│   ├── app_component.css
│   ├── app_component.html
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── anpylar.js
├── index.html
├── package.json
└── styles.css

We keep in place with the definition of our Pyroes, because the service will at this point in time source the data from it.

The service and its placement

from anpylar import Observable

from .mock_pyroes import Pyroes

class PyroService:

    def get_pyroes(self):
        return Observable.of(Pyroes)

Defining the service and setting it in motion hasn’t actually taken that much:

  • The service in is a simple class with a single method, which returns an Observable made of the Pyroes that we have in

    The source could have been anything else. The important part here is that the return value that will be expected is an Observable, i.e.: callers will be able to subscribe to it

  • Getting it up and running means simply adding it to the services directive (a dictionary) in the application module AppModule.

    services = {
        'pyro_service': PyroService,

    This will make the service available to any component (and its subcomponents) as an attribute self.pyro_service

With that knowledge in mind, we have also modified our PyroesComponent code:

  • A new binding called pyroes is added, which will receive the Pyroes from the service

    bindings = {
        'selected': Pyro(),
        'pyroes': [],  # observable for receiving pyroes
  • The observable for the Pyroes is fetched from the service during __init__. Each event generated by the observable will be sent to self.pyroes_ which is itself an observable (actually more a Subject). The reason is that even in this example we assume that the service could be contacting the network, i.e.: we don’t know when the result will be delivered.

    Observables in AnPyLar are also callables and that’s why we can pass self.pyroes_ as the subscriptor.

    def __init__(self):
        # get the pyroes from service into the observable
  • In render and instead of rendering, we tell the node <ul> to delegate rendering (with the supercharged method _render) to the method self.render_pyroes whenever the Observable self.pyroes_ has something to observe.

    def render(self, node):
        with'ul') as ul:  # find node where to display the list
            # Render under "ul" using
            #   callback: render_pyroes
            #   when: the observable self.pyroes_ is signaled
            ul._render(self.render_pyroes, self.pyroes_)


  • The code to generate the render on-screen list is the same as before

  • The code has been moved to method which is asynchronously invoked when self.pyroes is set via its associated observable self.pyroes_

  • Asynchronous being the key, because it is unknown when the service will deliver the Pyroes


As indicated above, in this example the Pyroes are still simply being gotten from a list, but now we have prepared the app for more

Let’s execute

We haven’t changed the functionality, simply how we distribute the functionality across components. The results are the same as in the previous examples.

anpylar-serve top4

And go the browser

And our list of Pyroes will be displayed


Clicking on one of the Pyroes will:

  • Open the editor

  • Change the class of the selected Pyro so that it becomes highlighted


And making changes in the editor is automatically reflected not only in the input field, but also in the uppercased name in the editor and in the list of Pyroes
