
$ anpylar-webpack --help
usage: anpylar-webpack [-h] [--package PACKAGES] [--no-package-json]
                       [--dist DIST] [--no-overwrite]
                       [--extensions EXTENSIONS]
                       [--reset-anpylar | --only-anpylar] [--no-optimize]
                       [--quiet | --verbose]

AnPyLar Web Application Packager

positional arguments:
  target                Application directory to package (default: .)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --package PACKAGES    Add package from directory or vfs.js or auto_vfs.js
                        from directory to anpylar.js even if not present in
                        package.json. Can be specified multiple times
                        (default: [])
  --no-package-json     Ignore packages listed in packages.json (default:
  --dist DIST           Specify destination directory for the webpack
                        (default: )
  --no-overwrite        Do not overwrite existing dist directory (default:
  --extensions EXTENSIONS
                        Comma separated list of extensions to pack when
                        packaging directories (default: .py,.js,.css,.html)
  --reset-anpylar       Reset anpylar.js to default content ignoring
                        application packages. No packaging (default: False)
  --only-anpylar        Update only anpylar.js with packages code. No
                        packaging (default: False)
  --no-optimize         Do not optimize the size of the anpylar.js by
                        packaging only the needed stdlib modules (default:
  --quiet, -q           Remove output (errors will be reported) (default:
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity level (default: False)