
$ anpylar-component --help
usage: anpylar-component [-h] [--preamble] [--selector [SELECTOR]]
                         [--htmlsheet] [--stylesheet] [--comppath COMPPATH]
                         [--htmlpath HTMLPATH] [--stylepath STYLEPATH]
                         [--htmlista | --selectista] [--pythonista]
                         [--no-bindings] [--no-render] [--license LICENSE]
                         [--title TITLE] [--no-package-json]
                         [--quiet | --verbose]
                         name [outdir]

AnPyLar Component Generator

positional arguments:
  name                  Name of the component. The string: "Component" will be
                        appended to the name. For example: PyroDetail ->
  outdir                Name for the output directory. If not provided the
                        name will be generated automatically, by lowercasing
                        the name and inserting "_" between lowercase-uppercase
                        letters. For example: PyroDetail -> pyro_detail. If
                        the directory exists (or is a file), nothing will be
                        generated (default: None)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --preamble            Add python interpreter line and coding info (default:
  --selector [SELECTOR]
                        Add a specific selector to the component. If the
                        option is given but no value, it will be auto-
                        calculate as in: PyroComponent -> <pyro-component>
                        (default: None)
  --htmlsheet           Prepare the component for embedded HTML code (default:
  --stylesheet          Prepare the component for embedded styles (default:
  --comppath COMPPATH   Specify a name for the component code If not provided,
                        the default, the name is is calculated automatically
                        as in: PyroDetail -> (default: None)
  --htmlpath HTMLPATH   Specify a value for stylepath. The default isTrue,
                        which means the name for the html file to load is
                        calculated automatically as in: PyroDetail ->
                        pyro_detail.html. If set to None or False, no html
                        file will be loaded (default: True)
  --stylepath STYLEPATH
                        Specify a value for stylepath. The default isTrue,
                        which means the name for the stylesheet to load is
                        calculated automatically as in: PyroDetail ->
                        pyro_detail.css. If set to None or False, no
                        stylesheet will be loaded (default: True)
  --htmlista            Component will only render (Default option) (default:
  --selectista          Component will select nodes for rendering (default:
  --pythonista          Do not add an HTML file. Only Python renderingThis
                        sets "htmlpat=None" (default: False)
  --no-bindings         Do not add the bindings directive (default: False)
  --no-render           Do not add a render method (default: False)
  --license LICENSE     Name of file containing license text to add (default:
  --title TITLE         Add a title template to html and attribute to the
                        component code (default: None)
  --no-package-json     Do not update package.json (default: False)
  --quiet, -q           Remove output (errors will be reported) (default:
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity level (default: False)