
The specification of routes happens in a module in the directive routes

class MyModule(Module):

    routes = [route_defininitions]

That is: an iterable (list, tuple) of route_definitions.

Route Definition

A route definition is a dict which can contain the following key / value pairs

  • path (a string)

    Used to match the route in the browser. This path will be appended to the baseurl of the app (automatically calculated)

    The path of child routes will be appended to that of parent routes

    if path is * or ** it will be the last resort (route-not-found) route

    The path can start with a leading slash if wished for clarity.

  • component (a subclass of anpylar.Component)

    Which component will be loaded when the route is a match. In the case of nested child routes, several components can be instantiated, one for each child, when a route is hit

  • params (a dict)

    The dictionary key is the name of the param for the route and the value is a transformation function. For example:

    'params': {'did': int},  # transformation function

    did will show up as an int.

    None can be specified as a transformation function to leave the parameter untouched (i.e.: deliver it as a string)

  • path_match (string full) Either not present or with the value full. Used to match a route when the others have failed and the remaining content fully matches the path

  • redirect_to (string referencing a path)

    If this is set, the route will redirec to to a different url (within the application)

  • load_children (an iterable of anpylar.Module subclasses)

    Used to load other modules as sub-modules and include the routing (under the defined path) in this routing

  • can_activate (an iterable of anpylar.AuthGuard subclasses) which will determine if the given path can be navigated to

  • children (an iterable of route_definitions) Effectively this defines a new hierarchy of routes that are appended to the defined path of the entry.

  • outlet (a string) This defines a route which will render the associated component inside a named outlet. Other outlets at the same level will remain unaffected.

Some examples now.

From the Tourer sample

The defined routes in the main module are:

routes = [
        'path': 'compose',
        'component': ComposeMessageComponent,
        'outlet': 'popup'

    {'path': 'disaster-center', 'load_children': [DisasterCenterModule]},

    {'path': 'admin', 'load_children': [AdminModule]},

    {'path': '', 'redirect_to': '/superpyroes', 'path_match': 'full'},

    {'path': '*', 'component': PageNotFoundComponent},

And from the DisasterCenterModule

routes = [{
    'path': '',
    'component': DisasterCenterComponent,
    'children': [
            'path': '',
            'component': DisasterListComponent,
            'children': [
                    'path': '',
                    'component': DisasterDetailComponent,
                    'params': {'did': int},  # transformation function
                    'path': '',
                    'component': DisasterCenterHomeComponent,

Being defined in a sub-module and loaded with load_children the entire set is a child of the main routing definition. This definition contains also nested children.