Http Client

The Http client is a class which can be instantiated to access web services via Ajax. It is implemented as an Observable which allows anyone to subscribe to it and perform operations on the results.

It is located inside anpylar.http. For example:

my_http = anpylar.http.Http()

Class Constructor

`Http(url='', headers=None, fullresp=False)`

  • url is the base url, which can be later extended when calling a method

  • headers is a dict with the headers. It can later be extended by each method

  • fulresp if False, the body of responses with status codes between 200 and 299 will be returned

    If True the complete response will be returned. It will only be a failure if there is actually a failure in the connection (the browser blocks it, the connection times out, …)


  • get(url='', headers=None, data=None)

    Issue a GET method extending the url and headers and adding any data passed

    Returns: Observable

  • post(url='', headers=None, data=None)

    Issue a POST method extending the url and headers and adding any data passed

    Returns: Observable

  • put(url='', headers=None, data=None)

    Issue a PUT method extending the url and headers and adding any data passed

    Returns: Observable

  • delete(url='', headers=None, data=None)

    Issue a DELETE method extending the url and headers and adding any data passed

    Returns: Observable