Syntaxcheck ########### For the full reference see: :doc:`/reference/cli/syntaxcheck` Developing with Python in the web console can be a challenge. Sometimes a single change in a file will generate errors which have to be looked into with great care. There is nothing but standard programmer's work to alleviate the situation. But something was noticed during the development of *AnPyLar* and hence the tool ``anpylar-syntaxcheck``. - Sometimes small syntax errors produce messages which are difficult to decipher Being able to catch the syntax error before you even test it, is therefore something to consider. Let's run it in our standard project structure .. code-block:: bash myapp ├── app │   ├── │   ├── app_component.css │   ├── app_component.html │   ├── │   └── ├── anpylar.js ├── index.html ├── package.json └── styles.css Change into ``myapp`` and run the command:: anpylar-syntaxcheck . Because this is a standard clean project to start with, nothing happens. Let's introduce an error in ```` .. code-block:: python class AppComponent(Component): title = 'Tour of Pyroes' bindings = { } def render(self, node): print('hello' world) pass And let's re-run the command:: anpylar-syntaxcheck . which issues the following output .. code-block:: bash File ".\app\", line 15 print('hello' world) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax And this allows to steadily correct the error and proceed with further development. ``anpylar-syntaxcheck`` is not magic, it uses the built-in capabilities of the Python standard library (``ast``) to find the errors. It's a small tool, but it can prove useful.